
Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Qing Ming Registration

Qing Ming Registration

保健讲座系列 – 视觉与年龄


保健讲座系列 – 视觉与年龄—常见眼疾之预防与治疗
主讲:张彦小姐 | 新加坡中医学院讲师|学士学位 (中医学)|博士学位 (西医内科学)
时间:下午12时30分 至 1时30分
地点: 宏船老和尚纪念堂 | 四楼 | 无相殿
电话:6849 5300 | 电子邮件 | 海报



地点:宏船老和尚纪念堂 | 1楼 | 课室9
询问电话:6849 5318 | 电邮 | [详情]

都市静修 ~ 八关斋戒

都市静修 ~ 八关斋戒

都市静修 ~ 八关斋戒
日期:- 2015年3月13日,星期 | 住宿者报到 | 晚上7时30分 
- 2015年3月14日,星期
 | 正式开始 |无住宿者报道 |早上7时30分
- 2015年3月15日,星期日 | 圆满结束 | 早上11时30分。
$30 住宿
$20 无住宿
报名地点:接待处 |早上9时至下午4时30分
询问电话:6849 5300 | 电邮 | 海报

Relaxation & Mindfulness Meditation

Relaxation and Mindfulness Meditation

Is the hectic pace of everyday life leaving you overwhelmed?
Why not take a moment to relax and practise a technique? Meditation.
Join Venerable Kwang Sheng as he shares how meditation and Buddhist teachings can help us re-focus our mind, bring about a sense of peace and well-being and re-energise ourselves.
Relaxation & Mindfulness Meditation
Date: 9.3 ~ 27.4.2015 (Monday)
Time: 7.30 pm ~ 9 pm
Closing date for registration: 2.3.2015 or when fully registered
Venue: Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall | 4 Level | Hall of No Form
Course Offering: $20
Registration Venue: Reception Office | 9 am ~ 4.30 pm
Enquiry: 6849 5300 | | Poster | Registration Form
Venerable Kwang Sheng was ordained under Venerable Hong Choon in 1980. Following that, he spent a number of years studying and practicing in different countries such as Myanmar, Japan and Korea. He spent a total of three years in Songgwangsa, Korea, practising Zen meditation.

3 Refuges and 5 Precepts

3 Refuges and 5 Precepts Ceremony

3 Refuges and 5 Precepts
3 Refuges and 5 Precepts Preparatory Class (Compulsory)In English | 中文预备班
Date: 8 Mar 2015, Sunday
Time: 9.30 am to 11.00 am
Venue: Ven. Hong Choon Memorial Hall | Level 1 | Classroom 8
Content:1 Why should one take 3 Refuges and 5 Precepts?
2 What are the benefits of taking 3 Refuges and 5 Precepts?
3 What are the merits of taking 3 Refuges and 5 Precepts?
4 What are the important points to remember when taking 3 Refuges and 5 Precepts?
5 How to keep to the Precepts?
6 How to integrate the Precepts into our daily life?
3 Refuges and 5 Precepts Ceremony (conducted in Mandarin)Preceptor:Venerable Sik Kwang Sheng
Date: 8 Mar 2015, Sunday
Time: 12.30 pm – 4.30 pm (includes temple tour)
Venue: Ven. Hong Choon Memorial Hall | Level 4 | Hall of No Form
Registration: Front Office | 9am to 4pm
Enquiry: 6849 5300 | Poster
Free eBook
A handbook for Training in Refuge

预备班 (分中英两班)
Preparatory Class in English
1. 为什么要受持三皈五戒?
2. 受持三皈五戒的利益?
3. 受持三皈五戒的功德?
4. 受持三皈五戒所要注意的事项?
5. 如何护持戒律?
6. 如何把戒律落实生活中?
日期: 2015年3月8日(星期日)农历正月十八日
地点: 宏船老和尚纪念堂|四楼|无相殿
询问:6849 5300 | 海报
A handbook for Training in Refuge



(法师授课)海报 | 宣传册
现今社会, 为什么有那么多的人, 对2500年前佛陀的教诲,还是那么的感兴趣与渴求追学?
3月4日至11月11日 · 星期三
第一学期*04/3, 11/3, 18/3, 25/3, 01/4, 08/4, 15/4, 22/4, 29/4
– 佛陀生平
10/6, 17/6, 24/6, 01/7, 08/7, 15/7, 22/7, 29/7
– 四圣谛、三皈五戒(含‘三宝’)
09/9, 16/9, 23/9, 30/9, 07/10, 14/10, 21/10, 28/10, 04/11, 11/11

3月3日至11月3日 · 星期二
*03/3, 10/3, 17/3, 24/3, 31/3, 07/4, 14/4, 21/4, 28/4
– 十善、业力、因果、六道轮回
09/6, 16/6, 23/6, 30/6, 07/7, 14/7, 21/7, 28/7
– 经典的结集与佛教的传播
08/9, 15/9, 22/9, 29/9, 06/10, 13/10, 20/10, 27/10, 03/11

3月2日至11月9日 · 星期一
*02/3, 09/3, 16/3, 23/3, 30/3, 06/4, 13/4, 20/4, 27/4
– 四大五蕴、十二因缘、三法印
08/6, 15/6, 22/6, 29/6, 06/7, 13/7, 20/7, 27/7
– 菩萨的精神体色、汉传四大菩萨简介、六波罗蜜
07/9, 14/9, 21/9, 28/9, 05/10, 12/10, 19/10, 26/10, 02/11, 09/11
– 三十七道品、《八大人觉经》

上课地点:宏船老和尚纪念堂 | 一楼课室
报名地点:接待处 | 早上9时至下午4时
询问详情:6849 5300 /

English Buddhism Course

English Buddhism Course

English Buddhism Course

(conducted by Venerable) poster | brochure
Today, there is a growing interest in the Buddha’s teachings worldwide. How are the teachings, 2,500 years old, relevant to our modern world?
Buddhist teachings show us the way to end all suffering and to attain happiness. Join us for our Buddhism Course and learn how you can apply the Buddha’s teachings in your daily life.
Practise the Dharma, Develop Wisdom and Compassion, Cultivate Happiness.
02 Mar ~ 02 Nov | Monday
Module 1* 02/3, 09/3, 16/3, 23/3, 30/3, 06/4, 13/4, 27/4
*02/3 Dinner is NOT provided
– Life of the Buddha
We introduce the life story of Shakyamuni Buddha: from his birth and life as a prince to his renunciation and the attaining of Enlightenment. Thereafter, he taught the Dharma until he entered final Nirvana at the age of 80.
Module 208/6, 15/6, 22/6, 29/6, 06/7, 13/7, 20/7, 27/7
– The Three Refuges
– The Five Precepts and Eight Precepts
– The 10 Wholesome Actions
We introduce Buddhist Observances and the Triple Gem-the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha as refuge. Thereafter, we take a step further to learn about the good and evil, and how to observe morality as the foundation of one’s practice.
Module 314/9, 21/9, 28/9, 05/10, 12/10, 19/10, 26/10, 02/11
– The Four Noble Truths
– The Noble Eightfold Path
– A study of the Sigalovada Sutta
We focus on the core principles in Buddhism, namely the Four Noble Truths and Noble Eightfold Path.

05 Mar ~ 19 Nov | Thursday
Module 1* 05/3, 12/3, 19/3, 26/3, 09/4, 23/4, 30/4, 07/5
*05/3 Dinner is NOT provided
- Rebirth and the Six Realms of Existence
– The Theory of Karma
– The Concept of ‘I’
– The Law of Dependent Origination
– The Three Marks of Existence
We introduce more Buddhist principles-Rebirth and the Six Realms of Existence, Karma, the Concept of ‘I’, Dependent Origination and the Three Marks of Existence, with the objective to provide students with an in-depth understanding on the tenets of Buddhist teachings.
Module 204/6, 11/6, 18/6, 25/6, 02/7, 09/7, 23/7, 30/7, 06/8
– The Buddhist Councils
– The Historical Development of Buddhism in India
– The Spread of Buddhism
– The Three Traditions
We track the development of Buddhism after final Nirvana of the Buddha. We will cover the Buddhist Councils, and the spread of Buddhism within and beyond India, giving students an idea on the development of Buddhism in various countries.
Module 310/9, 17/9, 01/10, 08/10, 15/10, 22/10, 29/10, 05/11, 19/11
– The Three Poisons
– The Five Hindrances
– The Stages of Sainthood
– The Four Immeasurables
– The Bodhisattva Ideal and the Six Perfections
We discuss about the Four Immeasurables and how to cultivate these qualities in our everyday life. By introducing the Arhat and the Bodhisattva ideal, we will explore the way to obtain Nirvana through the Arhat ideal, understanding of the Three Poisons and Five Hindrances, follow by knowing how to develop Concentration and finally how to attain the Four Stages of Enlightenment. Next, we introduce the Bodhisattva ideal where we will continue to study the historical development of Buddhism, looking into the rise of the Mahayana. Lastly, we discuss about the Bodhisattva ideal and the practice of the Six Perfections.

SUTRA STUDY (3 Modules)
* (Open only to participants who have completed Year 2)
Module 1 & 2 : 05 Mar ~ 13 Aug | Thursday
Modules 1
* 05/3, 12/3, 19/3, 26/3, 09/4, 16/4, 23/4, 30/4, 07/5
*05/3 Dinner is NOT provided
Modules 204/6, 11/6, 18/6, 02/7, 09/7, 16/7, 23/7, 30/7, 06/8, 13/8
The “Ten Great Vows of Samantabhadra Bodhisattva” from the Avatamsaka Sutra, Chapter 40, is a much revered Text from the Mahayana Canon. This first module aims to discuss on the Great Vows and how we can apply them in our daily life; it is a useful guideline for aspiring Buddhist Practitioners.
Module 3: 10 Sep ~ 19 Nov | Thursday 
10/9, 17/9, 01/10, 08/10, 15/10, 22/10, 29/10, 05/11, 12/11, 19/11
In this 2nd and 3rd Module, we will touch on the Eight Awakenings of the Great Beings Sutra consisting of Eight Truths that all Buddhas, Bodhisattvas and great beings are awakened to. The Eight Awakenings are often used to show proper course for us to recognize the reality of our life. Reciting this Sutra and reflecting its meaning can help us to change our life, eradicate karmic obstacles, cultivate bodhicitta and ultimately attain liberation.
Time : 7.30 pm – 9.00 pm (Free transport will be provided to AMK MRT Station after classes)
Venue : Venerable Hong Choon Memorial Hall | L1 Classroom
Course Offering : $90 per year (To be collected on the day of the first lesson)
Registration : Reception Office 9 am – 4 pm | Download Registration Form
Enquiry / Registration : 6849 5300 /
Brought to you by
Spiritual Events Management Department

