
Sunday, August 27, 2017



On the 1st to 9th of the Seventh Lunar month, our monastery would conduct a nine day “Ksitigarbha’s Remembrance and Repaying of Kindness Puja”. Venerable would lead in the recitation of “The Sutra of Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha’s Fundamental Vows” and dedicate the merits to world peace, well-being of citizens, deliverance of the deceased, and the auspiciousness of those living.
地藏法会 因缘难遇 悲心宏愿 至诚感通
诸佛加被 龙天齐护 悉令众生 愿满离苦
闻法修行 福慧增长 消宿现业 同登极乐
欢迎公众踊跃参加 | Come Join Us!
日期/Date: 2017年8月22日至8月30日(农历七月初一至初九日)| 22/8/2017 – 30/8/2017
时间/Time:晚上8点正至9点30分 | 8 pm – 9.30 pm
地点/Venue:光明山普觉禅寺大悲殿 | The Great Compassion Hall
询问/Enquiry:6849 5300 | 海报
The monastery had catered bus to ferry participants to Ang Mo Kio bus interchange after the puja.

• One of the two prayers to be held during Ullambana on 5th September is the Compassionate Samadhi Water Repentance Puja. The prayer is to repent one’s unwholesome deeds, including karmic actions done in body, speech and mind.

The repentance helps to eliminate negativity in life and dedicate merits to all departed ones.


• This year’s Ullambana falls on 5th September (the 15th day of the lunar 7th month). Commonly known as the Hungry Ghost Festival, Ullambana’s originated from the story of Venerable Mandgalyana and his mother. Venerable Mandgalyana was in meditation and discovered his mother was suffering after being reborn in the realm of the hungry ghost realm. He approached Buddha for help who advised him to make offerings to the monks on his mother’s behalf. The merit made through this offering brought relief to his mother.

农历七月十五,是佛教的盂兰盆节。 本寺谨定于2017年9月5日(农历七月十五日)举行盂兰盆法会。此法会源自于目犍连尊者救度他母亲的故事。《盂兰盆经》记载,目犍连尊者在禅定中见到去世的母亲在饿鬼道受无量苦,于是向佛陀求助,佛陀教导他设斋供养十方清净僧众,以僧宝的修行功德帮助母亲脱离饿鬼道。此布施之功德也能使供养者,往昔七世父母、六亲眷属得远离三恶道,现世父母及其本人,长寿无病无恼,衣食自然具足,身心安乐。

• The second prayer held during Ullambana on 5th September is the Yogacara Ulka-mukha Puja.

According to the Ulka-mukha Preta Sutra, Venerable Ananda ( a chief disciple of the Buddha) saw Lord of Hungry Ghost while meditating.

The Lord of Hungry Ghost was emaciated in appearance with hideous features, and told Venerable Ananda about the sufferings in the realm of hungry ghosts.

Venerable Ananda was told that he would die in three days and suffer the same fate as the Lord of Hungry Ghost.

Venerable Ananda sought help from the Buddha who taught him the proper way of bestowing food to the hungry ghosts, and to deliver these beings from sufferings through the Buddha’s teaching.


